The Magic of Craft. Montblanc Intl. Gmhb / Scholz & Friends / 2016
Since 1906 Montblanc has been known for finest craftsmanship carried out with the same patience and accuracy for more than 110 years. The brand’s uncompromising artisanal approach is expressed with a unique spot that itself is based on hand-crafted stop-motion animation.
The Other Thing created the interactive microsite for mobile and desktop devices for the campaign. Go to The Magic Of Craft Interactiv
CCA 2017 (Creativ Club Austria)
2x Gold, 1x Silver
CCP 2017 (Creativ Club Portugal)
1x Gold / Best Art Direction
1x Silver / Best Brand Film Entertainment
Scholz & Friends GmbH Berlin
Our team at Salon Alpin was Philipp Comarella, Simon Griesser, Daniela Leitner, João Faria and Simon Häggstrom.
Stopmotion animation by Bruno Caetano. Puppetconstruction and Rig by Paula Custodio, Puppedproduction OldskullFX João Rapaz, Catarina Santiago, Guilherme Gaimito, Sergo Reis. Setmanufacturing by Anna Bossa, Ricardo Mata, Marta Viana. VFX and Digital Assets by Christoph Schindelar, Ricardo Manso. Motioncontrol: Vitor Estudante. 3D Prints by Mauricio Martins Leds&Chips Lisbon.
LED light Rig by Austria
The sounddesign was composed, arranged, recorded, mixed and masterd by fifth music by Mathias Hacksteiner.

Work in progress and screenshot gallery
the end.