Rang-tan Greenpeace narrated by Emma Thompson Mother London Ltd. / Passion Pictures London Ltd / 2018

Rang-tan is the story of a little girl and her orangutan friend forced from her forest home. Indonesian rainforests are destroyed to grow field upon field of dirty palm oil used to make the everyday products we use. It doesn’t need to be like this, big brands have a responsibility to make sure that the palm oil used in their products isn’t made at the greatest cost for our forests.
Dame Emma Thompson, backed by a host of other famous names, has taken aim at big brands including Unilever, Nestle and Mondelez today, as Greenpeace releases a powerful new 90-second animation that highlights how orangutans are being pushed to the brink of extinction because of deforestation for palm oil.
Mother London Ltd.
Passion Pictures Ltd.
Salon Alpin Vienna/Lisbon
- Team
- Direction : Lip Comarella, Simon Griesser
Production Management: Janet Smith (Passion Pictures) - Initial Character Dev.:Therese Larsson, Thibault Leclerq, Marceline Tanguay
- Lead Character Animator: Borja Montoro
Character Coloring: Daniel Damm, Drazen - Ink and Paint: Laura Barić,Lea Kralj Jager, Martin Nyberg, Petra Balekic
- Additional Animation: Sasha Vernik, Marc Valls, Pablo Miro, Daniel Damm
- Sound design: Lennert Busch

The scenes are carefully hand-crafted and animated using various techniques including cellframe, 3D, 2D and VR to bring to life the hand drawn animation in a flow of action through immersive camera. The hand animated (cellframe) characters we wanted to stand out to highlight the craftsmanship, not blending them in to much. One of the main challenges was to use the charm of traditional 2d animation within such a narrow time frame. A fantastic team made it happen.
Save Rang-tan. End dirty palm oil.
Go to Greenpeace Campainthe end.